Saturday, 11 June 2016


         The work of erection at Sites to be executed by qualified Riggers or under the supervision of qualified and experienced Supervisors.
         All Standing and Running Rigging to be checked before use, during use and before transferring the Load by other means for safety considerations.
         Temporary Structures are to be secured properly by standing rigging, guy ropes and stay wires so that they do not fall accidentally.
         The structure to be checked thoroughly before transferring the load from Guy Wires, Stays and Standing Rigging and after it is assured that the structure is sound enough to take its own load, the temporary stays, guys and standing wires are removed from the structure.
         All Lifting appliances, Ropes, Wire Ropes, Blocks and Tackles are to be load tested and utilized according to their lifting capacity. Colour Code for indicating the Testing Status of the Slings to be followed as per statutory norms and slings in RED Zone are to be used only after proper checking and tested at the earliest opportunity.
         It must be ensured that all material required for the erection work is available at site with proper sequencing, labeling and especially all fasteners are available beforehand.
         The columns are to be erected only after consolidation of foundation work and securing the columns with proper anchoring bolts in the foundation.
         Installation of cross beams, transverse beams, longitudinal beams etc. are to be undertaken after the erection of columns and securing the connecting brackets in place.
         The erection sequence is to be pre-planned and this sequence is to be followed for avoiding any mishap during the course of erection. 
         All riggers and workers employed for the erection work should be well conversant with the use of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) i.e. Fall Arrestor Gear, Safety Belts, Life Lines, Load Transfer Lines etc.

 Hazards with Slings:
Poor condition:
         Broken wires/strands
         Excessive wear
          Severe kinks/bends
Rules to Follow When Slinging and Handling a Load:
      Make sure that the horizontal distance between the points of attachment of the load, does not exceed the length of the slings.
      This will ensure that the angle between the two legs of the sling does not exceed 60 ° .
      Ensure that the angle between the two legs of the sling does not exceed 60 °

 Multi-legged Slings:
      The recommended maximum angle between the two legs of a sling is 90°.
      The recommended maximum angle between the vertical and any leg of a sling is 45°.
      When slinging a rigid object with a multi-legged sling it must be assumed that only two of the sling legs are taking the load.